Thursday, March 12, 2009

Battleground Number Two...and Beyond

It has obviously been a few days since I (TINA) blogged. I really can't imagine why it has been so many days:) LOL (I kinda chuckle to myself as I type this)..not that I have been through anything major (just a minor brain procedure this weekend and seemingly near death experience LOL :)

like I said earlier BUT GOD... the night my temp was so high and my vitals signs so low I thought to myself I'm not going to make it (I am just being real here) and I am not going to raise my Katie or be there for Aaron as his wife. But then GOD reminded me, "Tina, I already told you this is exactly how you would feel... but I will rescue you... because people are praying for you." oh yeah that's told me that already.

I (Aaron) am typing now (Tina was ready for bed).

Update...Tina has been stable for about 4 days now and about 2 days ago Tina started moving her entire left arm. Another Miracle! After doing some research and talking to several doctors at Saint Lukes we decided to apply at TIRR (The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research here in the med center. We were told by many that we may not get in at all and if we did that it might take awhile....BUT God....We were accepted and transfered to the facility within 48 hours. Another Miracle! We arrived here Wednesday night. This place is ranked as #4 in the nation for physical rehab and people come here from all over the world (Tina's roomate is a missionary from Thailand who suffered a stroke and flew across the world to come here). We both are doing great and are so, so thankful to God for this trial (I know this may sound strange, but if you could see through our eyes at all the awesome miracles that God is working through this you would understand). Interestingly enough many of the miracles are not even the physical miracles that you might expect...many of them are the individual lives that are being transformed through this (as I type this my eyes are filled with tears of joy). I love my Lord so, so much :)

From money, VISA cards, meal delivery, car rides, babysitting, groceries, flowers, hats, scarves, balloons, cards, emails, voicemails, texts, parking passes, support from our bosses and co-workers and family and friends and church, bringing our Katie to see us, encouragement, sharing our testimony with others, washing our clothes, buying personal items at the store... and the countless hours you have spent in prayer for us we want to say THANK YOU and may God return these blessings back to you 1000 fold. We are so grateful for all of you and we love you.

Stay posted for more testimonies of God's amazing grace....

p.s. Please pray and thank God in advance that Mary (Tina's roommate) will make a better than full recovery and that He will impart to her His strength and hope so that she may continue to serve Him on the mission field.


Aaron and Tina

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