Wednesday, October 20, 2010


God has truly been speaking to me throughout this "second chapter" about empowering myself by educating myself on what cancer is and how it becomes to manifest itself in the body and how to keep it from returning.

Aaron and I have been to the best doctors. These are the guys that are heads of their departments, "the chief directors." And not one of them educated us about my how it starts, what it is comprised of, and how it feeds itself. NOT ONE! Now don't get me wrong...they told me I needed to eat right, exercise, and take vitamins. But now looking back, I am quite disappointed that I feel like they never addressed what cancer was and how I could specifically combat it. BUT GOD...

He first began by bringing Cathy into my life. A nutritionist, who had previously had cancer and she combatted it with natural therapies. That is truly why I felt God's ultimate peace about choosing the path of alternative/naturalistic therapies. She has been such a blessing to my life and has helped teach me about cancer and has helped me tremendously by finding resources I would have never found on my own. She has given me a whole different perspective about how God truly knew what he was doing when he provided us with the foods and nutrients to help keep our bodies alive and well.

Her help, prompted me to do a lot of research on my own; thereby educating myself on what I needed to do to help my body heal itself. Before I met Cathy, God asked me to begin fasting and praying for my healing on September 15th. He led me to fast for forty days. I feel because I was obedient to His prompting, He has brought many resources into my life to help me learn about myself and how my body works. I have read several articles and have recently began reading a book that I feel has helped me know how exactly I was "poisoning" my body. I also read Dodie Osteen's book called, "Healed of Cancer." Another resource God provided me was Dr. Battle's knowledge on the body, how it works, and exactly what areas of my body needed to be helped.

A little diversion...for many years, I have prayed that I would live a long life, but not only did I want to live to be really old (maybe 94 or 100 years-old) but have a great quality of life even at that age. All that, included not only being physically healthy, but to have a sharp mind and to have a memory that would help me remember the wisdom that God had given to me so that I could share with others.

God's word says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...(Hosea 4:6 New King James Version). I truly believe that God's word is our power and we must equip ourselves with the "ammunition" that it has given us. But in order to equip ourselves we must read and know His word for His word is the difference between life and death.

Life and death in my case is literally a physical manifestation, but in your case it may be different. It might be the "life and death" of a relationship in your life or it could be a battle in your life that you have to face every depression, anxiety, bitterness, or even regret. Whatever, the case may be...know that God's word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. There are so many scriptures of healing that apply to every area of your life and that ultimately lead to your healing.

I have an unshakeable confidence in the Lord and His word. One thing I have truly had to battle throughout this process is the enemy casting doubt in my mind. I love waht Dodie Osteen says, "You can have doubt in your head, but faith in your heart! The weapons of our warfare are not carnal for they are mighty in God casting down imaginations and every high and lofty thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ. Be strong and bring every thought into line of God's word!

I have had to tell myself that I am only human and that even though at times I have wavered in my thoughts, I have never wavered in my heart about the truth that God has spoken into my life (that I am healed and set free of fear that has tried to attach itself to me).

I have declared over my life what Nahum 1:9, says, "What do you conspire against the LORD? He will make an utter end of it.Affliction will not rise up a second time."
I believe that God's word it the truth and He will follow through with all of His promises as long as I truly believe them and not waiver in my heart!

Father I am strong in the power of your might. Let me take hold of your strength. Lord, I need you! I pray today that you take these words today, get your "ammunition" ready and begin to "fire" against the attacks of the enemy in every area of your life.

--Con Amor, Tina

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