From day to day I pray and thank God for every day, I thank Him for all that He has done for me, for my life, for blessing me, for blessing my family and for the very air that I breathe. I do however forget to consciously make an effort to thank and celebrate the very people that God has placed in my life to take care of me, encourage me, and support me on a daily basis. Psalm 107 was written to celebrate the Jews' return from their exile in Babylon. It begins by saying, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!His faithful love endures forever." I love the fact that inspite of our forgetfulness to thank Him, He continues to love us. I pray that we can all have the same mindset of Christ.
This week is "Celebrate Caregivers" week at M.D. Anderson. Today I want to exemplify what Christ has done for me, I want to proclaim His greatness, and let the whole world know of His goodness (I Chronicles 16:8). I want to honor my husband today and thank him for his faithful love and caregiving.
Aaron you are such an incredible bestfriend, husband and father. I thank God that He gave you to me. There are days I think to myself, "Where would I be without you?" Only God could have brought us together. He knew what he had in store for you and he knew that it would be you that could handle all of these things that we have been through, but only through His strength.
I thank you for never leaving my side. You have never once left me overnight through any of my hospitalizations, never once! I now know how much of an expert you are in figuring out how to open up the hospital recliners and turn them into beds. You always have "your" bed ready before the nurses can even blink an eye (LOL). (That is when you know you've had to much experience in hospitals). Thank you for ever so faithfully taking care of Katie and me. I know there have been many moments that have been difficult for you, but regardless you continue to persevere. I thank you that you have stood by my side and had confidence that I was listening to my spirit in regards to the decisions that I have made with my treatments. I know these past several months have been difficult for you to stand on the sidelines, have no control over situations, and to watch God patiently move in our lives. Thank you for holding down our household, taking care of Katie and me. I know that I am a full-time job in and of myself, but thank you for faithfully serving me as Christ would.
Today Aaron I celebrate you! You are the bestest friend, father and husband anyone could ever have! God faithfully provided for Katie and me; I thank him for that.
Take time to celebrate the special someone's in your life. Let them know how much you appreciate them for all that they do. But most of all thank God, for His faithful love endures forever.
Tina--I told Aaron how much I admire you and your strength through such difficult times. You inspire me to be a better person, wife, mother, etc....a faithful daughter of God. I am praying for u, Aaron, and Katie. I hope u get well soon.