Over the past couple of weeks we have received graduation invitations from our beloved "children" as I like to call them. This time of year allows me to remember and reflect of how I have seen "our children" and ourselves journey over the past year and for them the past four years.
I am so proud of all of the graduates that will be walking across or have already walked across the stage. What a commemorative and exhilirating moment to always remember! These moments in time represent all of the hard work, struggles, difficulties, fun, laughter, opportunities for growth, and a time to count all of the blessings that God has given you.
God has given us this journey of life to do and will as we please; however, we will reap the consequences of the seeds that we have planted. Those of you who are graduating and moving on to the next phase of life, remember that God is guiding your every step, "For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and he will be our guide until we die. (Psalm 49:14)."
At some point in time, we think we have it all figured out...things are going to go this way or that; we can be stubborn into thinking that our plans should work out just so, only to find out moments later, that what we thought SHOULD happen, didn't quite work out the way we had planned, but we need to remember that God's guidance can come in unexpected ways. Remember the story of Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3)? I am sure that Moses did not expect God to speak to him by way of a burning bush. God speaks to us in many different ways; we must just be open and come with prepared hearts to hear what God is speaking to us.
I say all this to say, "Congratulations, as you embark on this new journey and new phase of life." We all face new phases of life throughout our lifetime...I am excited to embark on my own...for my scheduled last day of radiation is June 7th; however, remember to enjoy the lessons in life in between, enjoy the moment you are in, for it passes in the blink of an eye.
I pray that you seek God's wisdom and guidance as your new journey begins. Whether it be that you are walking across the stage with your diploma, beginning a new job/career, beginning parenthood, learning what an "empty nester" looks like, or even beginning a new phase of your walk with God. I congratulate you all! Celebrate each and every waking moment that God has given you!
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