Friday, June 17, 2011

Pursuing Passion

The Lord has truly been speaking to me about surrounding myself with others who pursue my same passion. My passion lies in delighting the Lord by spending time in His word, walking in His steps, and ultimately pursuing Him and reflecting His image to others in this world.

The Lord has really began to me think about being conscientious of what I am a consumer of and what do I want Katherine to be consumed with. "Those that are consumed of you Lord" is the answer in my heart. The next question came, "Are you consuming and surrounding yourself with what you want Katherine to imitate?" Those questions have many angles and aspects of my life that I know I need to change, sharpen, and clean-up, if I want my daughter to be consumed with her creator the way He has envisioned me to lead her.

One first important way that came to my heart was for me to imitate the faith of others who are surrendered to God and seeking His will in their lives. Spend time with them and learn from them. Imitate Jesus' desire to please the Father. So that I can say with confidence, "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith" (Hebrews 13:7).

Encircle yourself with those who model to you what God says a true Christian should be. Pursue your Father God, get out of the ruts that you have been in, for He delights in You. You are His passion. He created you in His image. Start today (if you haven't already) to be a model and an example to those you surround yourself with and pray that God allows you to instill His values and examples in your children, your family, your friends, co-workers, and all others that touch your life.

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