Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Every miracle begins with an act of faith. We must be obedient to the acts God calls us to, even though we may not see the end solution. We must also not underestimate the power of faith.

I once read that "faith is the step between promise and reassurance." I do believe that God requires us to trust Him to remain faithful to the promises He has given us.

We as believers may wax and wane when we don't seem to receive what we thought would presumably occur. However, God says that His ways are "higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-10)

Many days I thank God that His ways are always higher than my ways. For the days I take those steps of faith I see God's miracles. Whether big or small, there is always one there.

When I stand back and look at my life and see my little girl and the love between Aaron and me; I just thank God and stand in awe of His perfect miracles.

Share your faith and everyday view of the miracles that God has placed in your life. Maybe someone in your world needs the empty void in their life to be filled with your words of encouragement and hope. For that gift of hope will return to you in full measure, pressed down and shaken together to make room for more. (Luke 6:38).

Update: I am continuing to remain stable over the past few weeks. I have only had a few seizures which I think were due to me being overly fatigued one occasion and forgetting my meds on another occasion. Despite those minor setbacks I am still hopeful that I am getting better every single day. Please pray that I am able to push myself to regain my strength and physical abilities without overdoing it and causing a seizure. Aaron and I continue to be totally amazed, overwhelemd and humbled by the generosity and support of our friends, family and co-workers. We love you so much and pray that God returns a thousand fold blessing to each and every one of you in the ways that you need it most.

Composed by Tina and typed by Aaron.

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