Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Father's Day! - A Beautiful Portrait

The blog below was written by Tina about 4 months ago, back on June 15, 2012 but it is just now being posted for the first time.

My Katiebug is only four years old and I see what a gracious and precious bond that she and her Daddy have, one like I’ve never ever known before – when you see and hear them play. You can hear this angelic laughter and see the love their eyes exchange as they enjoy each other’s company. And yes her Daddy does tea parties, tutus and princesses and he is the King of our house, but Katie also recognizes that Christ is the King over all the earth including our home.

I truly enjoy watching her with her “Papa”, “Papi”, “Daddy”. Whatever the name is for the day you can truly see our Father God’s Bond that they have. I love watching her crawl into his arms, onto his shoulders and when something goes awry I love watching him “save her” and “nurture her” just as Jesus does for us – each and everyday.

I also want to remind you that those without a father today can celebrate too! Cry out to your Heavenly Father and Let Him know your deepest longings… “I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you” – Jesus (John 16:26-27).

You know we as Christians have such a privilege of knowing that we can call on a Heavenly Father even when we don’t have an earthly one and our Heavenly Father loves us and is Faithful to us always and we know when we accept Him into our hearts and ask him to forgive our sins that we will always be assured that we will meet our Creator in Heaven and He will always meet our Father needs! He always takes a personal interest in our cries, our hurts, our heartaches. He loves us so much and loves to hear our laughter and loves to be close to us and near us.

If you’re a “Daddy”, “Papa”, “Papi” and know of someone that needs to hear your words to encourage them today call them up, visit them, love on them!


Your Abba Father

Composed by Tina and typed by Aaron

Update: Life has truly been a whirlwind of events for us lately and God has proven to be faithful to us every step of the way. I will post more details soon. Praying that you keep your eyes on Christ each and everyday.

- A messenger of God

Friday, October 5, 2012

"I'm too young!"

The blog below was written by Tina about 2 months ago, back on June 13, 2012 but it is just now being posted for the first time.

“O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!” The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Jeremiah 1:6-8

"Go get up and get dressed. Go out and tell them whatever I tell you to say....For see today I have made you strong like a fortified city that cannot be captured, like an iron pillar or a bronze wall." Jeremiah 1:17-18

I know my life is in the hands of our Creator and I know that I have nothing to fear and when my desperate times come I must remain loyal to God regardless of the circumstances. Over these past couple of weeks I have had several partial seizures which have caused significant weakness on the left side of my body and the enemy has tried to hold captive negative thoughts in my mind about always being in this condition. But I know that God's Son died on the cross for all my sickness and diseases and promised to restore all my wounds; therefore my hope and strength is in Him, no matter how bleak my circumstances look.

I don't believe that I posted details about how difficult it was for me right before surgery in February 2012. Many days I couldn't read, write, listen to others speak to me, listen to music or TV. My eyes were very sensitive to light; therefore I basically sat or laid down all day, every day for two months. This was difficult because I couldn't play with Katie knowing that she might trigger my seizures given the above symptoms. The enemy used those times to tell me that my tumor was growing and I would soon pass away.

Yesterday came to that point again, however I did not allow myself to enter nor stay in those thoughts. I know God's promises. He is my strength and when I am weak He is there to lift me up high on wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31

Encourage someone with your Creator's words. Tell them that God has equipped them for all that He has created them for. Let them know that they have the strength God has promised them. Let them know God is giving them His words to speak to others for His direction in their lives.

Composed by Tina and typed by Aaron

Update: Everyday people ask me how we are doing. I always appreciate their concern although I usually don't know how to answer that question. Unless someone has experienced it firsthand, I just can't seem to find the words to describe what this is like. For example, in the update section following her blog 2 weeks ago I was praising God because Tina had not had a major seizure in over 3 months (it was back in early June that she had her last one). Well...24 hours after writing that update Tina had 2 major seizures on a Saturday morning while hanging out with Katie and myself. I was saddened and disappointed to say the least. There were no words for that moment...and yet even in that moment I found myself able to praise God in spite of this setback. I was able to praise God in spite of the apparent irony. I was able to praise God in spite of my feelings. I was able to praise God simply because He deserves my praise and I love Him no matter what! So you can see why it is so hard for me to put into a few words how we are doing. I still don't have the words....and I am still praising God :)