Why is it that when it comes to everyone else, we can point and say, "well, only if they would _____, then they could _____; yet, we are in the "same" mirror staring at ourselves in the face.
We seem to be so quick to criticize and give advice, yet we don't heed to what we tell others, nor do we apply the knowledge of God's Word. We must know God's ways and keep His laws. In Proverbs 29:19 God's word says, "For a servant, mere words are not enough--discipline is needed. For the words may be understood, but they are not heeded." God is telling us that he can't merely tell us with His words, but that through correction and discipline we must learn the wisdom He wants us to learn.
As God sees that we need discipline, we too must discipline ourselves. It's not enough just understand, but we must apply the knowledge we have. For what good are we, if we have knowledge and don't apply it?
What good are a carpenter's skills, if he does not use them to build his own home? What good is a mathematical genius' mind when theories are never revealed; thus never making discoveries that could impact the world. What good are we to God, if we aren't setting an example to our future generations?
Learn from God's discipline. Stopping being foolish as if you were a child. For "folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15) Heed discipline, you might be amazed what God can do through your obedience. Perhaps you need a career change? Discipline yourself to go back to school. Perhaps you need a car? a house? Discipline yourself to be a good steward of your finances. Take a course in money management. Maybe you need new friends, ask God to help you change yourself in ways that would reflect to type of friendships you need.
We must all learn to heed to God's discipline to truly be His servant.
Tina-This is a beautiful post! I can't wait to catch up on your blog! I'll see you tomorrow at the 6:00 service!