We are but that. Humans that come and go in our undramatic dailiness. Our lives pass by like an eagle swooping down on its prey, it passes more swiftly than a runner (Job 9:25). There are days that we are joyful looking down from the highest mountain top and others where we have plummeted to the bottom of the valley and are in despair.
Over these past few years, during my times in the valley, I have learned to look higher past the peak of that mountaintop into God’s country. I have learned that I cannot do life in my own strength. I know I was formed by My creator’s hands to serve and honor Him despite my circumstances. Having breathed the breath of life in me—He has a purpose.
Our lives are transient shadows—here on moment and gone the next. Although we were born but yesterday and know so little in this life we must not let our shadow go unnoticed for the latter generations need to learn from their former ancestors.
My days here are like a transient shadow, as were Job’s, but his wisdom, strength, faithfulness, and integrity to God have had an everlasting shadow that I use to support me in the days that I am broken in spirit and in the days that I shine with joy; for God uses all things for His good and His glory!
I pray that in the days you feel like Job and say, “My days are over. My hopes have disappeared. My heart’s desires are broken” (Job 17:11) that you may look up God’s country and find the strength that I have found in my valley. Encourage others to do the same; allow your transient shadow to teach others to look to God for He is always faithful on the mountain top and in the valley. Make your “shadow” count in this life, for you may be the next Job to the upcoming generation.
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