Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blessings in Capacity Overflow...

Wow...there has been so much that I wanted to say over the past several days and it has been on my heart to blog everyday, but it seems like there has been something that has not allowed me (whether that is because our internet for some strange reason started acting up, our computer being loopy... and I thought I was the one on meds :) LOL! , time in general...we have been cRaZy busy this week...or just...honestly I didn't have the physical or mental strength to write this blog). In any case...God had a purpose and a reason for the timing of this specific entry.

Where do I begin...ah yes..."My Grace is sufficient for you and my strength is made perfect in your weakness. I perfect all that concerns you." Those words from my God have been life-sustaining for us this week (I share all this with you...for you to know that anything on here has been read by my beloved Aaron...he dots all the "I's" and crosses all the "T's" on this know when you read these words they are from the both us). God's words have given us such strength emotionally, mentally, and physically. To be truly honest with you...this week physically and mentally for both of us has been a struggle...BUT GOD... anytime it seemed as those we just couldn't make it one more step or moment this week...God carried us through. Both Aaron and I are in amazement of how God sustains us...since we're human we of course question life and ask are we even making it through today...yesterday...these past several days...and then God takes over and fills our spirits with peace and strength in every way possible. And throughout the day, everyday this week He has blessed us with little surprises, blessings if you will...that just get us through that next difficult moment and give us the boost we need to make it through the day! That is where you as family, friends, and all who are reading this come all have been the thread that God has used to keep us sewn together. We are in such amazement of everything that God has used to bless has literally humbled us and brought us to our knees. Tears have come and gone this week...but know that they have been tears of pure joy and "awe"ness of God's life-sustaining power.

We Love you All...again we can't say enough...we humbly thank you for everything you have done for us.


  1. Aaron & Tina,

    We are praying for your family during this time. We are excited about the testimony this healing experience is going to bring. We will be praying for the surgery on Tuesday. We love you guys!

    Summer & Greg Hynes

  2. i love you :) can't wait to see what God is going to do next

    corie, john, joshua

  3. Tina and Aaron:

    Our continued prayers for you during this time. May supernatural healing flow your way.
