Saturday, May 26, 2012


The time is coming when everything will be revealed. All that is secret will be made public. Whatever you have said will be heard in the light and whatever you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear (Luke 12:2).

You spread out our sins before You, our secret sins, and You see them all (Psalm 90:8).

"Can anyone hide from Me? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and the Earth?" asks the Lord (Jeremiah 23:24).

So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether someone is faithful. When the Lord comes, He will bring our deepest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. And then God will give to everyone whatever praise is due (I Corinthians 4:5).

For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are. Nothing in all of creation can hide from Him. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done (Hebrews 4:12-13).

Lord I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against You (Psalm 119:11).

Many of us are living the life that the Samaritan woman lived in John 4. For she had deep secrets that lied within her soul. After Jesus asked for her to "Please give me a drink" (John 4:7) she was shocked that a Jew was asking or even just talking to her for Jews in those days looked down at the Samaritans (because they were considered to be a mixed race). Jesus then promised her that He would quench the thirst deep within her soul. He tells her to "Go and get your husband". She tells him "I don't have a husband" and Jesus replied "You're right, you don't have a husband. For you have had five now and aren't even married to the man you are living with now" (John 4:17-18).

Jesus brought up this woman's past, however regardless of what she had done He loved her and offered her eternal life. The Samaritans in the town believed Jesus was the Messiah because they heard Him themselves, not just because this woman told them about her testimony.

Once she knew her testimony had been exposed, she was set free from all her secrets.

In my own life I know I have had secrets that had held me captive for years. I once read "You're only as sick as your secrets. If you have a list of secrets, you are really sick."

Over the years I have learned to let go of many of my secrets for they fiercely hindered my relationships with some of my dearest and loved friends and they truly burdened my heart, but once I let God's flashlight shine in the deepest crevices of my heart, I allowed my deepest secrets to be my life's saving grace.

Today allow God to relieve you of your burdens. Allow Him to give you the courage to open your heart to those things that are hindering you. Allow Him to expose your deepest secrets to help you set yourself free and bring you closer to Him, for He is your ultimate saving water, just like the Samaritan woman. God is omnipresent (all places), omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (all knowing).

Share these thoughts with those around you. You may help someone set themselves free from being captive to their deepest secrets.

Update: I have been really fatigued lately and my physical strength on my left side has been weaker than usual. I have also had a few more seizures since last week. Not really sure why. We just got an MRI done yesterday and we will get the results on Tuesday. Please keep this in your prayers. Recently we were reminded that despite any difficulties we may face in life we need to always start our day by looking unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and He will give us the strength that we need for that day.

Composed by Tina and typed by Aaron.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Every miracle begins with an act of faith. We must be obedient to the acts God calls us to, even though we may not see the end solution. We must also not underestimate the power of faith.

I once read that "faith is the step between promise and reassurance." I do believe that God requires us to trust Him to remain faithful to the promises He has given us.

We as believers may wax and wane when we don't seem to receive what we thought would presumably occur. However, God says that His ways are "higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-10)

Many days I thank God that His ways are always higher than my ways. For the days I take those steps of faith I see God's miracles. Whether big or small, there is always one there.

When I stand back and look at my life and see my little girl and the love between Aaron and me; I just thank God and stand in awe of His perfect miracles.

Share your faith and everyday view of the miracles that God has placed in your life. Maybe someone in your world needs the empty void in their life to be filled with your words of encouragement and hope. For that gift of hope will return to you in full measure, pressed down and shaken together to make room for more. (Luke 6:38).

Update: I am continuing to remain stable over the past few weeks. I have only had a few seizures which I think were due to me being overly fatigued one occasion and forgetting my meds on another occasion. Despite those minor setbacks I am still hopeful that I am getting better every single day. Please pray that I am able to push myself to regain my strength and physical abilities without overdoing it and causing a seizure. Aaron and I continue to be totally amazed, overwhelemd and humbled by the generosity and support of our friends, family and co-workers. We love you so much and pray that God returns a thousand fold blessing to each and every one of you in the ways that you need it most.

Composed by Tina and typed by Aaron.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rainbow Promises

Overall we all have our ups and downs. We're human by the way. God has been so gracious in sending support our way in many shapes and forms.

Each day is a personal day from the Lord for His word has given us countless promises and when we seek His face and search for an intimate relationship with Him He will pour out blessings we cannot contain.

One of God's eternal promises to us was that He would never again flood the Earth to destroy all flesh (Genesis 9:13-15). The rainbows we see after the rain are a constant reminder to us to be encouraged and hopeful that no matter what vain imaginations the enemy tries to throw at us, God backs His promises and keeps us from the fiery darts of the enemy. For God is always our eternal rock (Isaiah 26:4b).

This morning God truly gave me a supernatural peace. These past few months have been quite difficult and exhausting, e.g. being in the hospital, recovery and many days of downs both emotionally and physically. BUT, God's rainbow promises have kept us going. "Lord, grant us peace, all we really have is from You." (Isaiah 26:12). I can't tell you how many times we prayed this prayer.

In your moments of desperation cry out to God, "Lord, You are my strength and my song. You have given me the victory over this situation. You are my God. I will praise You. My Father's God, and I will exalt You!"

I pray that you lean on God's rainbow promises today. No matter how difficult and bleak circumstances look, know that Jesus is right there with you, walking with you. I challenge you today to find other rainbow promises He has given us and share those with others.

Update: I have still had my ups and downs over the past several weeks. Due to a change in my meds I had quite a few seizures last week and had to go into the ER over the weekend. But they changed my meds and this week I am doing better.

- Composed by Tina and typed by Aaron.