Monday, March 9, 2009

2 Corinthians 1:3-11 (Relying on God...)

Have you ever read these scripture verses before? If not, take a minute and go and read them now.

Basically Paul (an apostle of Jesus) is talking about how he was suffering and how through this suffering he learned to comfort others who were also suffering because he had been comforted by God (spiritual empathy). He also commented that he learned not to rely on himself but on God and was thankful for all of his friends prayers because he knew that lots of people would rejoice and thank God when he survived his trial.

That is exactly how we have felt over the past several days (read Tina's blog entitled 'Excited about all that God has in store' dated 3/1/09 which references this).

Here is an abbreviated version of what has been going on... Tina was stable and was released from ICU last Friday 3/6/09 and went to the Neuro floor, once there she started having back and stomach pains, her temperature sky rocketed to 103.3, her blood pressure dropped to 75/48, her heart rate was in the high 120's and she became non-responsive (kept on repeating "Katie, Katie, Katiebug..."). The nurses were having a hard time finding a vein and so both of her arms are covered with bruises and red marks. She was taken back to the ICU and was eventually stabilized (Miracle of God) and is doing much better now (the nurses here in ICU are fantastic!). When she is released from ICU (very soon) she will enter intensive in-patient rehabilitation and gain strength back in her left arm and left leg. She is now currently able to move all of her left fingers and is able to push some with her left leg...Another Miracle of God!

Tina and I have (like Paul) felt completely overwhelmed and exhausted over the past few days. BUT GOD...has given us His peace, His strength and His hope. We are not superhuman...but we do serve a SUPERNATURAL GOD who has and will continue to deliver us. We thank each of you who is praying for us because we know that this battle is already won in Jesus name and that many will continue to give thanks and praise God Almighty for the awesome things he has done through all of this. Ultimately we thank God not for what he can do for us but for who He is....our Lord and Master.

Totally and completely surrendered and in love with Jesus,

Aaron and Tina


  1. Tina, my continued prayers for you! I am so encouraged by you and Aaron, and anxiously await each report of our God's miracle working power. Continue to keep the faith - God is doing a great work in you and through you.

  2. We love you and are praying for a speedy recovery. God is faithful and we know he will prove himself strong in your lives and the lives of the people you have touched. You are a living example of God’s love!

    -Steve & Stephanie

  3. Glad to hear things comming around with Tina's hand and leg! It's overwhelming just reading about it here, BUT GOD!!!

    My cousin, also having a brain tumor removed (back of his head) the week prior to Tina, is recovering well too - another victory!

    Keep the faith, brother!
    Love you guys,
    Tim (& Mel)
